
My list of question marks?

  1. How do you think without language?

  2. Is there a fundamental reality that is neither physical nor spiritual?

  3. Why is time so fundamental yet illusory?

  4. What is the meaning of Being?

  5. What is subjectivity and objectivity anyway? Is there even a fragmentation?

  6. What is the relationship between chaos and order?

  7. Can there be consciousness without the ego?

  8. Where does duality lie?

  9. How can one live the paradox?

  10. What could be the dialectical synthesis of capitalism and communism?

  11. How can language be utilized as a tool to swing the pendulum into a new paradigm of consciousness?

  12. What is “space” if reality is an event/process-based ontology?

  13. What is the relationship between memory and novelty?

  14. How does our collective imagination give rise to values?

  15. Do we weigh matter and spirit equally? Or does one carry more weight?

  16. Is there such a thing as a moment? If the distinction between the past and future does not exist, then how can there be a present moment?